The Quad-City Times is pleased to announce a new hardcover coffee-table book, Into the Fields: A Celebration of Farm Life. This unique book provides an up-close and personal look at farm life over the years through the eyes of the Quad-City photographers and the treasured stories from writer Jennifer Ewoldt.
Since 2009, Jennifer Ewoldt has been sharing memorable tales about farming and rural life in her column, "Rural Route 4." Over the years, Quad-City Times readers have gotten to know her family, the ups and downs of the farm economy, the terror of drought, the celebration of a good harvest and the pain that comes from the death of a favorite horse.
The column is paired with beautiful photography showing farming and rural life in our community. The photos span generations – some pulled from the newspaper archives and many others shot by Quad-City Times staff photographer Jeff Cook, who has worked to capture local farm life for more than 30 years.
Note: images on this promotional page may not appear in final product.