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Meet Pediment

Who we are

Hi! We're Pediment Publishing, and we are glad to meet you! We're based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A. and publish fine things like books, posters, and other collectibles.

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Folks often ask, "what's a pediment?" so you might wonder that very thing. Let us explain what it is and why we go by the name "Pediment Publishing"...

A pediment is a triangular gable found in ancient Greek architecture. As you likely know, Greece is where the original Olympic Games were held. History, design, and sport are the basis of what we do.

Ancient greek Pediment

You see, the original Olympic Games were not just a celebration of athletic prowess but also a celebration of art, history, and culture. The buildings in Olympia were adorned with stunning sculptures and reliefs, showcasing the creativity and talent of the ancient Greek people.

In the same vein, Pediment Publishing aims to bring together the worlds of sports, history, art, and culture to create truly unique and beautiful publications. In fact, if you want to think of us as a "sports and history" publisher, that'd be just fine!

"Publishers of sports and history" sounds pretty ambitious, especially for a small business like us, but we don't have such lofty ambitions on our own. Our world-class partners enable us to publish world-class products and consistently deliver impeccable quality while adhering to the highest customer support and service standard.

Our team

Pediment Publishing calls the Pacific Northwest home, which has many perks. Rivers, mountains, valleys, greenery … the list is long. Many of our staff are photographers because it's almost impossible to live in the Pacific Northwest and not get serious about capturing its beauty in a frame. We're also an active bunch with Mt. Hood just a short drive and countless fishing streams, hiking trails, and camping destinations right around the corner. In short, we wouldn't pick anywhere else to live, work and play!

— the Pacific Northwest, our home —
— the Pacific Northwest, our home —

The Pacific Northwest—or more specifically, Vancouver, Washington (a small town just north of Portland, Oregon)— as a location to grow a business allows us to hire some of the best creative folks anywhere. We started as a family business and strive to keep that family atmosphere even as we've expanded. Business is about people, and we're proud of the people we are. Here are our team members:

Our history

Brad Fenison founded the company after 13 years as a newspaper publisher. He drew on the relationships built as a newspaperman to launch our first wave of books with newspapers.

Brad believed a company committed to quality in publishing and pleasing customers would yield a superior product and a business that would stand the test of time. The idea worked! Since 1997, Pediment Publishing has designed and published over 1,500 titles totaling more than 5,000,000 copies and pleased thousands of customers.

Pediment Publishing was a family affair from the start. Brad founded the company with his wife, Wendy, and traveled the United States with their children, Chris and Ashley, scanning photo archives and publishing books in every corner of the United States. By the time both kids graduated high school, they had been to every state save a handful and scanned hundreds of thousands of photos.

A new direction

Chris Fenison always had an eye for photography and design, even as a kid. His first job as a paperboy in Oregon led to a position as an ad designer in Minnesota. When his dad started Pediment Publishing, he eagerly jumped in and helped wherever he could during summer breaks.

Paired with Chris' interests in sports, history, and publishing, he turned his part-time summer job in the family business into a career. After working 20 years under his father's leadership, Chris took over as Brad and Wendy retired.

With Chris at the helm, Pediment Publishing has leaned into sports books, posters, and other new collectible products. Along the way, we've built a loyal following of fans of many teams nationwide. Many look forward to new releases from Pediment Publishing monthly. Sign up for our newsletter here.

What we do

We publish high-quality books, posters, bookmarks, postcards, and other collectibles., often on behalf of our media clients, for local communities and fans to enjoy today and cherish for a lifetime.

It’s quality that matters most—to us, to our partners and to our customers. 

Our specialties can best be explained by highlighting a few of our titles from our early days and the growth we've seen year after year.

The very first Pediment Publishing title was A Pictorial History of Roseburg (Oregon). Roseburg was a quick drive from our home office, and the publisher of The News-Review was a longtime friend, so it made perfect sense to start there. Brad's vision of creating a three-pronged partnership between Pediment Publishing, a local media property, and a local historical organization worked out perfectly as the Douglas County Historical Society came aboard to provide historical photos for the book. The community loved the hardcover book, and it was an overwhelming success for all parties involved.

History books
History books

We took our model on the road, and within the first couple of years, Pediment had published dozens of hardcover pictorial history books with media and historical partners across the country. For the first few years in business, we believed we would forever be publishing pictorial history books, which we were quite happy to do. Our partners, however, pushed us to do more!

In 2000, the Asbury Park Press asked us to publish a book on their award-winning and nationally-syndicated editorial cartoonist, Steve Breen. Breen Damage was our first book in color, our first softcover book, and our first book that didn't neatly fit into our pictorial history book model.

From there, we added to our specialties as our partners approached us with new publishing ideas. We owe most of what we do today to our partners, who pushed us and helped us grow. Some of our "firsts" included:

  • Birth of the BlueClaws, our first sports book.
  • Ground Zero Spirit, our first current event book commemorating the tragic events of September 11, 2001, in New York.
  • Mission Accomplished: A Perfect Season, our first college sports championship book chronicling the Buckeyes’ 2002 amazing year. Sports championship books for both college and pro sports would eventually become one of our strongest segments.
  • One Giant Leap, one of our first NFL championship books, produced with The Star-Ledger. Pediment partners with newspapers to repackage their content into a commemorative book. We’ve published books for six of the last seven Super Bowls.
  • Savage Storms, one of our first disaster books. Pediment now publishes books and book apps for communities hit by a disaster in an effort to document the tragedy in full and help support local relief funds.
  • Restaurant Nicholas, our first book with a chef and restaurateur and one of our first forays into publishing without a media partner. Chef Nicholas Harary ordered 5,000 copies of his book and offered the title exclusively to his patrons.
  • Capture Cincinnati, our first Capture project, which would lead to dozens and dozens of new and exciting projects. Capture was our online platform for collecting photos from a local community on a brand’s behalf in a fun and engaging way. The end result is a fine-art book or calendar, “by the people, for the people.”
  • Message in a Body, one of our first biographies with missionary Joseph Anfuso of Forward Edge International.
  • Sandy: The Jersey Shore in the Eye of the Storm, our first softcover disaster book and our first media partner to donate 100% of proceeds to local relief organizations.

Of course, the titles above are just a few of the hundreds of unique products we've published. Along the way, we've grown to specialize in pretty much any sort of publication that features art or history. We are, in fact, a "sports and history" publisher. Check out our newest products here.

High-quality binding
High-quality binding

Our partners

We owe much of who we are to our partners. We've worked with some of the biggest media brands in the country, as well as some of the finest small-town newspapers in the industry. In addition to our media partners, we've also worked with amazing chefs, photographers, missions organizations, storytellers, wine aficionados, and the list goes on and on … We have a unique relationship with each partner, and we truly love publishing things with them. Here are just a few of our partners.