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Pediment eBooks are more than a traditional eBook. Our eBooks are full of beautiful, bright, high-quality photography and meticulously designed pages. They contain the very best of what we put into our printed books, formatted for your screen or device.

We are able to accomplish this rich eBook reading experience thanks to a new, open standard known as ePub 3. This new standard incorporates some of the very latest technologies in electronic publishing, and allows for visually-impactful eBooks like never before.

Our DRM-free approach

Publishing eBooks in the ePub 3 open standard enables us to sell and distribute our digital publications free of any DRM. This means your purchase of a Pediment eBook can be used on any of your devices, any number of times!

We support a multitude of e-readers and devices by providing you with files that should work anywhere you would like to take your purchased digital publication.

Sharing eBook files

Of course distributing our eBooks without DRM means we’re trusting you, our customer, to not share your purchased eBook files with others. We’d ask that you encourage your friends and family to purchase their own copies of eBooks by visiting store.pediment.com.

Gifting eBooks

Interested in purchasing one of our eBooks as a gift? Great! Go ahead and proceed with the purchase as if you were buying the eBook for yourself. After you have completed the purchase you will receive two emails, the first being the confirmation of your order, and the second being an email with a link to download the eBook but without your order details.

The easiest way to gift this eBook is to simply forward that second email that doesn't contain any order details to whomever you are wanting to receive this gift, and maybe tag on a little note letting them know that you purchased it for them as a gift.

We are trusting that you will not make use of the downloads yourself, as you have purchased that eBook on behalf of another person. If you are interested in a copy for yourself as well, or are interested in sending to multiple recipients, simply adjust your quantity at checkout.

Pediment eBooks on various platforms

We strive to make our eBooks available on as many platforms as possible. Because the ePub 3 format is so new, some platforms and devices lack a true e-reader capable of supporting all of the features found in our ePub 3 eBooks. For this reason, we provide our eBooks in a few different formats so you can enjoy as rich an experience as possible. Below are the various platforms and devices we support, and the methods to view our eBooks on them.

iBooks on Mac, iPad, iPod, and iPhone

If you have a Mac computer, iPad, iPod or iPhone with iBooks you can experience the very best of what the ePub 3 format has to offer. The iBooks version of the .epub file you get when purchasing one of our digital publications showcases hand-crafted pages containing beautiful photography and typography, plus interactive elements such as slideshows, videos, and other dynamic content.

How to view eBooks with iBooks on your Mac, iPad, iPod or iPhone:
  1. Follow the download link provided to you after checkout, or in the receipt in your inbox, to download the iBooks .epub file to your computer.
  2. On a Mac, add the downloaded iBooks .epub file to your iBooks library. On a PC, add the downloaded iBooks .epub file to your iTunes library.
  3. Connect your device to your computer and open iTunes.
  4. Navigate to the content sync options for your device and click on the "books" content type.
  5. Select your purchased eBook and click "sync" or "apply." See here for more detailed iTunes syncing instructions from Apple.
  6. Once the eBook has been synced to your device, you can find it in your device's iBooks app.
  7. Enjoy your Pediment eBook!

Please note: You can download your purchased .epub file directly on your iOS mobile device, but the experience is less than optimal. When you click the download link provided to you after checkout, or in the receipt in your inbox, Mobile Safari will initiate a download of the file in the background. Unfortunately, Mobile Safari does not have a download progress indicator, so you must simply wait for it to complete the download and prompt you to open the file in iBooks. Because of this Mobile Safari limitation, we strongly suggest downloading your eBook on a computer and syncing to your mobile device as outlined above. If you must download from your mobile device, we suggest only doing so if you are on a WiFi connection as our digital publications are fairly large in file size.

Readium on Windows PCs and Chrome

If you have a Windows PC that supports the Google Chrome web browser then you can install the Readium Chrome Extension and gain access to your digital publications right in your browser. The Readium Chrome extension is a powerful e-reader that supports nearly all ePub 3 features.

How to view eBooks with Readium on your Windows PC:
  1. Install the Readium Chrome extension
  2. Download the standard .epub file from the download link provided to you after checkout, or in the receipt in your inbox.
  3. Open the Readium extension in Chrome.
  4. Click the + button in the upper-right of the screen and select the standard .epub file using the "From Local File" input.
  5. Enjoy your Pediment eBook!

Adobe Reader on Android, Kindle, and other devices

For the best viewing experience of Pediment eBooks on Android devices, as well as color Kindle devices such as the Fire, Fire HD, or Fire HDX, we suggest using the provided high-quality PDF version of your publication within the free Adobe Reader application.

While you may use the included PDF version of your eBook in a multitude of PDF readers, we cannot guarantee full use of the interactive features of the PDF when not viewed through Adobe Reader. Videos, for example, are linked to and require an internet connection to view in the PDF version of most of our eBooks. All content is available in the PDF version, but the way in which you view the content may be different than the fully-interactive iBooks ePub version.

How to view eBooks with Adobe Reader on your Android, Kindle Fire, or other device:
  1. Download the free Adobe Reader for Android, Kindle, or Desktop.
  2. Download the standard .pdf file from the download link provided to you after checkout, or in the receipt in your inbox, to your computer.
  3. Transfer the standard .pdf file to your device's Documents folder via USB.
  4. Once the transfer is complete, you should see your PDF eBook under the Documents section in the Adobe Reader app.

Another option is to download standard .pdf file directly to your Android or Kindle Fire device. If you already have Adobe Reader installed, you should be prompted for which application to use upon clicking the download standard .pdf link. Simply select Adobe Reader and your eBook will open in Adobe Reader. If you do not have the Adobe Reader application, weren't prompted with an application selection screen, or another application attempted to open the PDF, it should still be available under the Documents section of the Adobe Reader application, once installed.

Please note: We suggest downloading the PDF directly to a mobile device only if you are on a WiFi connection as our PDF eBooks can be fairly large in file size.

You may also view the PDF on any personal computer with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat installed.