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Franklin County Memories: Volume II - The 1800s through 1979
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Beaumont 175: 175 Years of Beaumont History Through the Eyes of the Beaumont Enterprise and its Readers
A Thousand Year Rain: The Historic Flood of 2013 in Boulder and Larimer Counties
Newburyport 250th: 250 Years of Newburyport History Through the Eyes of The Daily News and its Readers
Jefferson City 150: 150 Years of Jefferson City Through the Eyes of the News Tribune and its Readers
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Callaway County Memories
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Valley Memories: The Early Years
Capture Arkansas 2010: The Best of Arkansas in Photography
Capture Arkansas III: The Best of Arkansas in Photography
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Manchester Memories: The Early Years
Gloucester: America’s Oldest Seaport
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New Hampshire: 150 Years: Through the Eyes of the New Hampshire Union Leader