Photo Highlight — Orange County Memories: A Photographic History of the 1800s through the 1930s
Our upcoming hardcover book, Orange County Memories: A Photographic History of the 1800s through the 1930s, provides a look at hundreds of photos from the early years of Orange County.
In this post, we get a sneak peek at a photo taken outside Anaheim Union High School, one of three images featured on the cover of the book.

This photo was provided courtesy of Anaheim Public Library, and shows a group of Spanish dancers practicing at Anaheim Union High School before performing in the pageant at the California Valencia Orange Show, circa 1925. The couples are identified as Onufre Madrid and Ben Gonzalez, Helen Madrid and Carlos Budrow, and Faustina Lucero and Paul Gonzalez.
This limited-edition book is the perfect holiday gift for your loved ones. Click the link below to purchase!
